Thursday, March 24, 2011


Four United States Senators have written a letter to the big cell/ smart phone manufacturers, asking them to stop supplying an app that warns drivers of DUI (driving under the influence) checkpoints. The Apple iPhone/ iPad and Google’s Android operating system offer such software for users. The information either comes from an existing database or from other users.

The one letter sent to Apple reads in part: “With more than 10,000 Americans dying in drunk-driving crashes every year, providing access to iPhone and iPad applications that alert users to DUI checkpoints is harmful to public safety… we therefore would ask you to remove these applications from your store… giving drunk drivers a free tool to evade checkpoints, putting innocent families and children at risk, is a matter of public concern.”

It seems law enforcers across the world are not interested in such services. Remember the case of one Pigspotter whose “work” is still ongoing? Should the Senators succeed in their request, the ramifications could be widespread. Already Research in Motion (RIM), the maker of Blackberry devices, has complied with the request by pulling its concerned apps.

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